
PTLLS assignments aide-memoire

I thought it might be helpful for everyone to get an aide-memoire so you all have a check-list of the PTLLS assignments.

Just a reminder -
All parts of all assignments do have to be word-processed, please;
where relevant they do have to be done on the forms they have given us – which are up on the blog (entry date – 29th Dec 2010)

Theory Assessments.

You have to complete the following 7 theory assessments - these are the short essays we looked at in class.

(Each one also has to be accompanied by a reflective learning journal statement done on the appropriate form (Appendix 5 – in the set of forms posted up on the blog). It’s often good on the reflective form to give an example of how you’ve put the ideas / principles discussed in the mini-essay into practice yourself. All of these separate reflections then have to be gathered up together, and they will be submitted as item 6 of the practical assignments – for which see below.)

Please just write each essay on a separate blank sheet of paper, with the title at the top.

So - here are the theory assignments:

1 Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle.
Recommended word count: 300-500 words.

(NB - by the ‘teaching/training cycle, they mean identifying what your learners need - planning your teaching - delivering it - assessing your students to see if they’ve got it - evaluating how well it went and planning any changes for future delivery)

2 Identify the key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you would like to work.
Recommended word count: 150-250 words.

(NB – you should certainly consider Health and Safety here, with particular ref. to noise, obviously, plus the Equalities Act 2010, which is going to take on the legislation previously contained in such acts as the Special...