Bertha Lewis
Concepts in Organizational Behavior
For a working culture to work well I have decided that these three elements must be present:
Group Mentoring:
Organization development:
Employee Recognition Programs:
Normally in an employee recognition program higher pay is at the top of the list. If your organization doesn’t have a strong pay relationship between pay and performance a non-monetaryrecognition program would be of little value. Now if your organization pays market rate then this would be an incentive because of the extra money and normally their morale increases. A recognition program can be inexpensive but requires it to be fair and have high visibility and consistency. Fairness means not to favor one employee over anotherand there must be an effective way to identify the employee that has recognition coming to them. Keeping a list of high performers is one way of keeping up with those that deserve recognition. When it comes to a programs visibility consistency ensures the implementations are executed. The organization must have a plan to actively solicit nominees. A good thing to do would be give out equal rewards and let employees know that they can be eligible for a larger reward at the end of the year. Whichever way you chose to execute recognition keep it simple and fair.
Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. In V.S. Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior (Vol. 4, pp. 71-81). New York: Academic Press. (Reprinted in H. Friedman [ED.], Encyclopedia of mental health. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998) Retrieved December 2, 2009 from
Berger, V. Dr., (2005). Psychologist, Personalized therapy, counseling, coaching_, No matter where you are…No matter what time it is…I am available to help you, Famous Psychologist: Kurt Lewin, Retrieved December 2, 2009...