Reflection Dtlls

​Curriculum Design and Inclusive Practice​DTLLS
Reflection on my own practice (Curriculum Design and Inclusive Practice)
In my teaching I would say I am a hybrid of many of the theories and principles discussed in assignment 2001. I do have behaviourist approaches in that I like to instil a sense of right and wrong with my learner. To implement this I use concern notes and recognition notes to reward learner, and to help others improve. Having said that I would say I was predominantly humanist in my teaching, I do like to treat my learners as adults and encourage development outside of the classroom. In the classroom, I use learners Individual Learning Plan (ILP). ILP is an important tool when using a humanistic approach as this helps the negotiation of a learning contract and it can be revisited regularly to check whether targets set at the beginning of the course have been achieved.
Self assessment is another crucial part of the humanistic teaching process.   Students may have to be taught how to assess their work realistically without being overly critical. During the later part of the Computerised Accounts Level 1 course when learners attempt mock exam paper and generate reports, I ask them to mark their own answer scripts against printouts that are produced by me with a set of marking criteria.
In a constructivist classroom, students are encouraged to use prior experiences to help them form and reform interpretations. The way I use constructivism in my teaching is by explaining how to enter elements of purchase ledger, for example, supplier details, supplier invoices, supplier credit notes and supplier payments. When I teach sales ledger, learners know how to enter customer details, customer invoices, customer credit notes and customer receipts by using their previous knowledge attained when learning purchase ledger.
I often refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy, “Bloom identified six levels within the cognitive domain, from simple recall or recognition of...