The Introductory Reflective Account requires you to describe what you do in your work role, how you do it and why.
* the type of organisation you are working in
* the range and purpose of services provided by your organisation
* your organisation's aims and objectives
* the range of customers, clients or service users who make use of the services
* the range of activities you are involved in on a regular basis
Briefly describe how your work role and responsibilities relates to each of these units.
* Preparing to work in the Career Information, Advice & Guidance (CIAG) sector
I feel a responsibility to aquire the relevant skills, knowledge and qualification to be able to offer CIAG affectively and appropriately.
* Reflect on and improve professional practice
I feel someone that takes time to reflect on their practice is able to develop and improve. As professionals we have a responsibility to reflect on our delivery and practice.
Within my role I reflect daily on sessions I have delivered / presentations I have given / 1:1 work with young people. I reflect independently also with the team (when working with one), this is done to discuss young people and our service to ensure all of their needs are being met and our delivery and practice is up to the required standard, whilst evolving and improving.
* Career guidance theory
I have recently changed roles within the organisation and offering CIAG is a part of this. I currently have little knowledge of career guidance theory and need to develop in this area.
* Agree the purpose of client-centred career guidance interviews and maintain communication with clients
* Explore and agree the career guidance and development needs of clients
Keeping the young person at the forefront of all guidance and interviews is a must within all of the work we do with them client-centred guidance is a way of being able to provide for the young person in the right way; the...