Reflective Account


|Name – Michelle Pearson                                               |Date – 21/12/15                                                               |
|Units to be assessed                                                 |218,21,22 and 24                                                             |

|Planning                                                                                                                                           |
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|We chatted today about the remaining PC and K claims still to be met within Unit 218.                                                               |
|You provided enough evidence within our discussion to complete another 2 Reflective Accounts.                                                       |
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|RA3 – You discussed supporting R during toilet procedures and looked at claiming 218P 1,7,8,9. Then we chatted about the support required during   |
|hair drying and brushing, and also of cream application/problems with this/changes to this/making GP appointment/making changes to her             |
|documentation for other staff/ informing Katie, etc. and aimed to meet further claims of P15,24,25, 27, 32 to 35 and 38.                           |
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|RA4 – You discussed supporting A in the areas of personal hygiene/teeth brushing etc. and her reluctance in complying with the care plan/procedures|
|that you follow. How...