Research Paper

Research Paper on Time Management

Research Paper on Time Management

Having a family life, a full time job and attending school requires a large amount of time and energy; which leaves limited time for studying or any other activities. Effective time management is extremely important when trying to maintain a balance between family life, work, and school.
Time management is a skill that is learned. Many resources can be used to develop skills when it comes to managing time. For instance, avoiding procrastination, learning to say “no”, combining several activities at one time, do not try to be a perfectionist and have a daily schedule (February 2010) Time Management Tips. Retrieved from It is extremely important not to waste valuable time. Procrastinating, waiting or postponing assignments creates unnecessary stress to a person’s everyday life. “Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness; no laziness, no procrastination; never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” - Lord Chesterfield
Having a clear, specific, and achievable goal is essential at effectively managing time. “With good time management skills you are in control of your time, your life, stress and energy levels” ( This way there is a clear understanding of the direction you are headed and can continue to work toward that goal.   One important aspect when defining the goal is to ask yourself: does it motivate you? Are you doing this for the right reasons?   Do you enjoy it? If the answer is yes, the goal is realistic and attainable.
According to Carter, Bishop, and Kravitz (2007) “time management allows you to complete work on a reasonable schedule and minimize stress.” As a full-time employee your daily life must be prioritized. Working eight hours a day   makes little time to focus on the things in life that are not at the top of the priority list. Planning and prioritizing are essential in...