Research Report on China Coke Industry 2010-2019

Dec., 10, 2015, Mumbai, India: Market Reports on China presents the report, on “Research Report on China Coke Industry 2010-2019”. Coke is widely used as reductant and fuel in blast furnace ironmaking, cupola ironmaking, ferroalloy smelting and non-ferrous metal smelting as well as in calcium carbide production, gasification and synthetic chemistry as raw material.

Coke is widely used as reductant and fuel in blast furnace ironmaking, cupola ironmaking, ferroalloy smelting and non-ferrous metal smelting as well as in calcium carbide production, gasification and synthetic chemistry as raw material. "" According to the statistics, over 90% of coke in the world is used in blast furnace ironmaking, which is of strategic value and economic significance.

Currently, coke production in China could be classified into commercial machine-made coke manufacturer and coke manufacturers of large steel enterprises. However, as the latter mainly serve their parent companies, only coke from the former can be seen in the market.

Coking industry underwent rapid development during the period of 2011-2013 with a big rise in coke production. By the end of 2014, coking industry has reported excess capacity of 680 million tons, among which only 70% were utilized. In 2014, 711.60 million tons of cast iron, 823 million tons of crude steel (half of the total production in the world) and 1.126 billion tons of steel were produced, all reporting a decreasing growth rate. And coke production in 2014 was 477 million tons, increasing 0.1% year on year. Therefore, it is clear that the changes of steel industry directly influence the trend of coke production.

With regard to the distribution of coke production, coking enterprises mainly concentrate in North China, East China and Northeast China, among which Shanxi reported an output of 87.2225 million tons in 2014, an 18.29% of the sum. Although...