Research Strategy
Heidi Christian
September 20, 2010
Felecia Pettway
Research Strategy
I decided to return to school and finish what I had started, my degree. Since, I graduated high school; I have wanted my college degree. There aren’t any courses in high school to help navigate through the process of college. There is the question of finance, how to apply for scholarships, how to get grants, what are the different student loans available, and can you pay as you go? These are questions that many first time college students face. High school counselors tell a student that “there are many forms of financial aid available to qualified students.” That is all fine and good, but high school students need more specific guidelines. It became so very frustrating that I began to believe that, I was not one of the “qualified students”. So, I went to work instead at a dead end job, still dreaming of the day I could go to college and get my degree.
Fast forward twenty-five years, and I started my quest again. This time, I was older, more tolerant of the college process, and hopefully wiser. My first goal was to research all of my options. I started calling college counselors, to see what needed to be done for me to get into college, I wasn’t sure if I could even get in after all the years I had been away from school. College counselors are not as bad as high school counselors, but take on the assumption that everyone knows about testing to get into college. I felt so stupid the first few counselors I spoke to. I finally figured out, if I passed a certain type of college entrance exam and placement tests, the financial burden would be substantially less.
The first information I had to gather was on college entrance exams, without that information, the financial aspect would not come into play. I found through Tomball Community College that I could take the entrance exam there to determine what classes I could begin taking. I had to begin...