CMI LEVEL 3 Qualifications in first line management.
Resource Planning 3002v1
CMI registration No. P04472739
Organisation: SWYPFT
Word Count: 2736
Submission date: 10/02/16
Course Tutor: Sue Copeland
1 Learning Outcome Matrix
|1. Understand how to plan resource needs |2. Understand the need for change to |3. Be able to monitor, record and control |
|with the team to meet objectives |resource requirements |resources within the work area |
|.1 Identify a teams responsibility in |.1 Identify how information obtained on |.1 Describe the need to monitor and record |
|connection with managing resources. Pg 2 |changes to resource requirements. Pg 4 |the use of resources. Pg 5 |
|.2 Describe the components of a resource |.2 Describe trends and developments that |.2 Explain the importance of recording |
|plan, used to achieve team objectives. |affect resources. Pg 4 |relevant and accurate information and using |
|Pg 3 | |records to plan for future resource |
| | |requirements. Pg 6 |
|.3 Describe the impact of environment and |.3 Identify the impact of resource change on| |
|legal factors on the team resource plan. Pg |the teams objectives. Pg 5 | |
|4 | | |