Rev Sr (Dr)


Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning for New Entrants to the Profession. By Vitalis Margaret Chinyeremma Chigbu 2014
Like experienced teachers, newly qualified teachers are faced with huge responsibilities including the way they relate to others within and outside the classroom environment. The major responsibility of a teacher is to place the learners at the centre of the learning process. More especially in life-long teaching and learning that involves adult who though they may be ready to learn have particular view of themselves based on their experiences; I as a teacher must bear in mind that this group of learners in most cases learn by completing tasks(Gould 2010). Therefore, to teach them effectively, right from the beginning I adopt the training cycle approach shown below for different levels to test what learning, skills and experiences my learners arrive with. This includes identifying needs through caring out initial planning and diagnostic assessments to help me establish where the learner is as against my target.
Identifying Needs and Planning





Fig 1. The diagnosis includes knowing their minimal core levels (Literacy, Numeracy and ICT levels). The above exercise enables me to provide support as well as meet their individual and group needs and to identify their learning styles. I use the information from this test as the basis for future individual learning plan (ILPs) which are reviewed on a regular basis or to refer those I think could get better support elsewhere. For example those with severe language need are referred to the Special Education Co-ordinator who places them

adequately where their need will be appropriately met It is notable that referral can be made at the beginning, middle or at the end of the programme. The end referral would be a progression to another stage of learning. Meanwhile, I promote equality, diversity and...