Citation: Hawkins, Abigail, Graham, Charles R., Sudweeks, Richard R, and Barbour, Michael K (May 2013). Academic performance, course completion rates, and student perception of the quality and frequency of interaction in a virtual high school. Distance Education, 34(1), 64-83. doi:10.1080/01587919.2013.770430
The purpose of this study was to examine the idea of a relationship between student interaction with their teacher and the student’s performance as described by grades and completion of the course being taken. The authors used a correlational study with data collected from a survey of students who had been enrolled in a course in an online school, Electronic High School (EHS) in Utah. EHS is a self-paced, asynchronous virtual school that offers primarily supplemental courses. The authors hypothesized that there would be a positive correlation between the students’ performance and completion of the course and the quality and frequency of interaction with teachers, specifically the instructional interactions. Through analysis of the data collected, the authors determined that there was a positive correlation between the quality and frequency of interaction and student completion of the course, but no defined correlation between the interaction and the grade earned by the student.
The data was collected using survey items incorporated into a survey used by EHS as an evaluation survey for the courses. Forty-six thousand, eighty-nine students that were enrolled in a course February, 2008 to January, 2009 were emailed an invitation to complete the survey and then twenty-one thousand, six hundred seventy students had access to the survey through a class evaluation survey after completing a course. Of the 2,269 surveys returned, over two-thirds represented female students and 84.4% Caucasian students. The sample was skewed toward those students that...