Review on Nietzsche: On the Genealogy of Morality
- style: playful, careful, curious, his punctuation (the use of dashes and ellipses); this book is supposed to be very accessible – to chew on his words “ruminate”
- “polemic” a warlike writing; battle against himself and invites us to battle against ourselves as well
- purpose: where do morals come from? + and what are their values? (advantageous to us as a species or as an individual? Are they holding us back?)
- book begins with anxiety and alienation: we don’t know ourselves, and systematically ignore our experiences, we have a prejudice when we meet ourselves cause we have a certainty, so don’t experience. Thus there’s a need to see their values (the descent of values)
- side note: Darwin’s theory of natural selection – survival of the fittest – not because they’re more moral, but simply because they can survive and reproduce; so it’s a life without purpose?
- Essay 1: “good and evil; good and bad”
• Aristocratic method: good = self-definition of people (define themselves as self-affirmatively good: aristocrat, noble, just, truthful, the real people (sec2))
• German – can see the ways the words’ meanings changed through time (sec 4) → not a moral judgment
• Ascetism = dying away from the world
-priests: trying to make you regard them as pure; they do not have power but rule you by values of ascetism, by your regard of them as purity
-p.18: concepts of the interesting and dangerous (Nietzsche makes them undetermined)
• Not anti-semitism
• Christianity not different from Judaism → interested in how Christianity extends this line → morality of the victim
• Slave’s revolt in reality
-what’s interesting is that it’s created (no mention of its values or morals) → a reactionary movement
-ressentiment = in French: to feel again
-moral judgment begin with slaves, who wins and Judaic Christianity takes over....