1. Review your current teaching role, explaining your responsibilities. Explain how you work with colleagues and other agencies, particularly when dealing with issues outside your area of expertise or responsibility. Summarise any specific legislation or policies that impact on your teaching role.
2. Discuss issues of equality and diversity facing you and your learners, and explain how you promote an inclusive environment in your learning sessions. Discuss any ground rules you establish with learners and evaluate their effectiveness. How do you assess your learners and record progress? Discuss the importance of functional skills (literacy, numeracy and ICT) and ways to embed them in your specialist area.
3. Outline the aims of the learning session you will deliver in Section 2 and explain the teaching/learning and assessment approaches you intend to use. Place the learning session in the context of your normal teaching role.
“There remain questions about the appropriate frequency and depth of self-assessment and the relevance of different models of self-assessment. What is clear is that the less threatening the evaluation process the more open, honest reflective and useful is the self-evaluation process” (Harvey 2002). The purpose of the following essay is to assess my current teaching role and responsibilities. I will compare my teaching methods against recognised learning styles and theory’s. Furthermore I will outline current legislation and policies which govern my responsibilities, within the role and how I apportion concerns outside my area of expertise.
“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (David A. Kolb, 1984). Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning theory comprises of four different stages of learning which take place through experience. Kolb (1984) explains his learning cycle and suggests that it is not sufficient just to have an experience in order...