Reviews of Behaviour
Children who have behaviour issues are supported when reviewing them. They are asked to consider why they behaved in that way. Children need to be aware of others feelings and respect these. They also need to understand their own feelings and how it affects their behaviour.
As we are a school for autistic children, we often use ‘Social Stories’. This is an idea that was created by Carol Gray in the early nineties. They are a tool used for teaching social skills. The idea of them is to help the child understand and suggest possible responses to a situation.
They are short stories and straightforward in their description of a situation. For example;
Lining Up
We line up to leave the classroom and go to the hall, out to play and lunch and to go home.
My friends and I can get excited because we are going somewhere fun.
It is alright to get excited, but it is important to try to walk in line as accidents can happen if we run and we could get hurt.
I will try to walk in line.
The aim of these stories is to help our autistic children link their emotions with their behaviour. If gives us the opportunity to talk to the children about how they would feel in a given situation. E.g. “if you don’t look after those toys, no one will be able to play with them”.
A positive relationship can be built around good communication skills. It helps children to take part in and benefit from their setting.
Behaviour support plans show us what steps need to be taken to support a pupil. They are agreed with parents and teachers. The pupil will be aware that there are steps to take and why they are being taken. We all need to have realistic expectations of these targets. We have children that do not have behaviour plans and can support them by helping them to think about how they can improve their behaviour if it is becoming an issue.
The class rules that pupils sign can help with this. This idea gives them the...