The globe is swiftly becoming an interconnected web of economic and political functionality. As international enterprise continues to burgeon, the hegemonic position of the United States will continue to decline slightly as time advances. Zakaria initiates his literary crusade by asserting, “This is not a book about the decline of America but rather about the rise of everyone else” (1). With the ascension of India, china, and other sovereign states as thriving markets, decentralized economic expansion is being achieved. Before the Great Recession of 2008, income per capita steadily increased by 3.2% globally between 2000 and 2007 (6). Astonishingly, this swell of individualized financial stability outperformed every global period of economic growth that came before.
Fareed Zakaria suggests that the economic rise of the rest of the world is due to the American concepts of democracy and capitalism. Zakaria articulates, “American politicians and diplomats have pushed countries to open their markets, free their politics, and embrace trade and technology…We have urged peoples to compete in the global economy, free currencies, and develop industry” (48). Economic and cultural modernization abroad is rooted in Westernization, as expounded by Zakaria, but foreign nationalism is beginning to counteract Western influence. Countries with an advantage in the control of petroleum and natural gas, such as Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, and large exporters, such as China, have the ability to oppose Western principles/authority due to their overabundances of tradable commodities. As the wealth of other nations continues to see exponential growth, contemporary globalization will stray away from Western idealism in favor of a smorgasbord of political and economic modernity.
One foreign power that has started to undermine the economic majesty of the United States is China. The magnitude of its economy has “doubled every eight years for three...