Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques | |
|Alternative Solution |Risks and Probability |Consequence and Severity |Mitigation Techniques |
|To offer traditional and |Replacement programs come at a cost|The consequence and severity of |To lessen the negative effect of this|
|non-traditional benefits that |to the traditional benefits |this risk could be minimal if |plan, Riordan should consider taking |
|will stimulate employee |structure, however. Replacement |Riordan implements the change |away the high-cost benefits of full |
|morale, reduce attrition, and |means that something of value to |correctly, on the flip side, the |medical coverage and opt for an |
|increase job satisfaction |the employee has been taken away so|positive result would be that when|employee-tailored program instead of |
| |there is a chance that the |employees have options about their|offering the same package for all |
| |employees will feel resentful |coverage they feel in control, and|employees. |
| |because they have had their current|control brings comfort in their | |
| |benefit structure changed or taken |jobs and in their future. | |
| |away. The probability of this | | |
| |happening could be high but could | | |
| |serve a minimal consequence if the | | |
| |mitigation technique is |...