
A routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed. Routines are important in anybody’s life to give their days some structure. When people are out of their normal routine for some time, they look forward to getting back into it. Even myself for instance when you finish college up for the summer its great but you then discover that you may have no structure in your days so you will hear yourself saying ‘can’t wait to get back into routine.’ Children also like to have routines; in this essay I am going to address the importance of routines for children in early year’s settings.   Children like their days to be predictable, according to Dr Laura Markham “A predictable routine allows children to feel safe, and to develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives.” they have the feeling of security and comfort within that setting. Most early year’s environments have a set daily routine his might be the only place a child has routine, they will have particular times for meals, washing hands before meals, sleep time and play time. Children will also have that ‘choice time’ still within the routine but where they get to choose what they would like to do.
“Routines in daily care are beneficial for all children, and contribute greatly to the provision of a positive, safe and secure environment.”(Meggett, Bruce, Grenier. 2012:177)
A good routine will be planned and organized around the child to meet their need, while been realistic to follow. They should ensure that all the child’s needs of their personal care are met in a positive environment. In a situation where resources or areas are shared between different groups timetables are very essential, this will prevent the disruption of a planned activity and ensure they run effectively. Routines for a backdrop to children’s care and provide a framework for leaning and developing, they promote the intellectual and language skills, the emotional development, social skills and the development of independence.  