Rubbish Is Not Worthless

Lin Glanville X1050302 TMA02
Outline the argument that rubbish is not worthless.
Page (1.)

Essay plan
A consumer society which relates to peoples shopping habits being guided by the status they would like to hold.
(Bauman 2008)

Main Body
Thompson ‘Rubbish theory’ (Chapter Three)
Modern day labour saving devices disposed of and new items bought. (Brown 2009)
Bauman cited in Hetherington (2009) P25
Conspicuous consumption (Hetherington 2009, p.32)
Evidence for recycling of rubbish (DEFRA 2007)


Summary of recycling.

Lin Glanville X1050302 TMA 02
PAGE (2)


Modern day social scientists suggest that people are admitted into the social world by being able to consume effectively. Bauman (1988) suggested one of the key factors for people buying into a consumer society was a means of belonging, to be accepted in society.
Bauman, cited in Hetherington, 2009, p.25 divided consumers into two groups, the seduced and the repressed. Those people who are able to join the consumer society in a positive way are the seduced. Others belong in the repressed category, those who are unemployed, perhaps old or disabled and have little money to spend on luxury’s and are less likely to be accepted into some parts of society.
However, Hetherington (2009, P.47) argues that not everyone can simply be placed in two categories as it requires more detail. Some consumers might not want to shop in the large supermarkets for different reasons, maybe environmental or political reasons. Consumers may like to protect the environment and prefer to shop at farmers markets or use vegetables grown in an allotment. Hetherington also point out that some consumers are more concerned with caring for the environment than fantasy and luxury.

Hetherington, (2009,p. 32) talks about conspicuous consumption of luxury goods and the way it enables, not only wealthy people, but...