UNIT 3.2 understanding how to safegaurd and protect children and young people in residentail childcare
1.1 Define the term safeguarding in relation to children and young people?
This is defined as children and young people protection and preventing them from harm, neglect: physically, mentally and sexual abuse and ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.
1.2 Explain how child protection relates to safeguarding?
child protection relates to safeguarding but in Child protection there are procedures to follow like bulling, whistle blowing and complaints because its all about preventing and responding to violence and abuse against children and protecting them from harm.
1.3 Outline current legislation, national guidelines and policies affecting the safeguarding and protection of children and young people?
Current legislation is the result of the children Act 1989 which was brought in to ensure that all people who work with children worked together and were clear about their responsibilities and knew how to act if allegations of child abuse were made. While the children Scotland act 1995 regulations and guidance volume 1 support and protection for children/ disabilities and their families .Following report by Sullivan and Knutson in the year 2000 an independent inquiry highlighted many problems with how reports of neglect and child abuse were dealt with and found that vulnerable people in society were not being safeguarded. The Laming report led to the governments Every Child Matters paper and The Children Act 2004. The every child matters paper is aimed at ensuring every child should be helped to have positive outcomes in life .They should: stay safe, enjoy and achieve, have economic well being and make a positive contribution. The main points of the 2004 Children act was that every local authority has a director of children's...