Safeguarding, welfare and protection of your children
As a carer it will be my duty of care to safeguard your child. This means that I have a legal obligation to protect your child from harm/damage.
Section 3 of the statutory framework for EYFS outlines the requirements of the safeguarding and welfare of the children in my care. I must ensure that I have a written policy in place that outlines the safeguarding requirements as outlined in the EYFS framework (this is a requirement of Ofsted registration). I must also show this to parents and ensure that they have read and understood the document. Section 11 of the Children’s Act 2004 outlines the fact that all carers involved with children have a legal obligation to ensure that children are kept safe and to promote the welfare of the children in their care. It is important that I, as a child minder adhere to the regulations outlined.
In order to safeguard myself from allegations of abuse I will ensure that everyone that enters my home whilst I am childminding is over 16 and has an up to date DBS check. I will never leave children unattended with anyone that isn’t registered my Ofsted to work with me in my home. I must also keep a log of anyone that comes to the setting in which I will look after the children, this can be through a visitors book that the visitor must sign or through any other document that can be made available for the parents to see. I will ensure that all children are within sight and reach, according to their age. I will note down any noticeable marks on their body, through illustrations or writing and will always write down any incidents that occur. At the end of the day that the incident has occurred I will ask the parents to sign a document to say that they have acknowledged the incident has occurred and are aware of any side effects.
The Local Safeguarding Children Board has a legal obligation to produce safeguarding procedures. If a concern is raised about a child, the Local...