
Understand how to safeguard the well being
of children and young people

Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and
procedures for safeguarding children and young people

Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people

The Childrens Act 1989
The Childrens Act 1989 gave every child the right to protection from abuse and exploitation and the right to inquiries to safeguard their welfare.

Every Child Matters
Every Child Matters is a set of reforms supported by the Children Act 2004. Its aim is for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to stay safe.

The Childrens   2004
The Act provides a legislative spine for the wider strategy for improving children's lives. This covers the universal services which every child accesses, and more targeted services for those with additional needs.

Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people

Safeguarding children is a lot broader that child protection as it also includes the prevention of child abuse or neglect. After the death of Victoria Climbie in February 2000 Every Child Matters was created to prevent any sort of child abuse. It involves the whole community in keeping children safe and promoting their welfare.
Child protection in the wider concept of safeguarding is knowing, exactly what to do if you suspect a child to be at risk, making sure that their needs and safety are met and not put at further risk or harm.
All education staff plays a part in keeping children safe and creating a safe learning environment and identifying any children who are suffering or at risk of harm and then taking appropriate action.

Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people

Within day to day childcare practice it is a legal requirement that...