The environment, and the way to which conserve, it has been an endless predicament over the past few decades between the environmentalists and their critics. Environmentalists, feeling susceptible the menace of global warming, and their critics, who feel there is no need to fret, have become extremely immature in their problem solving manners. However, the pattern is identical with the critics, which have also been feeling unease, not by the cutting down of forests, but by the loss of their money and the radical environmentalists. In contemporary scientist Edward O. Wilson’s book The Future of Life, he satirizes both the critics and the environmentalists as unproductive by showing how immature, stereotypical, and hypocritical both groups are towards each other.
In Wilson’s first article “The people-first critic stereotypes the environmentalists”, he is writing as if he is a radical and ludicrous critic of the “enemy”, the environmentalists. His satire illustrates just how destructive the critics are when he writes, “Depending on how angry we are, we call them greens, enviros, environmental extremists, or environmental wackos.” Wilson is clearly presenting how immature the critics are by name calling, a habit of only idiots and third graders. He believes to stereotype somebody is wrong and that an effective adult would not dare to do so. “Mark my word, conservation pushed by these people always goes too far, because it is an instrument for gaining political power.” Here, Wilson is stating that the critics believe that the environmentalists only want to gain political power, when in fact the environmentalists just