Initial assessment – valid/reliable/eq of opp
The initial assessment method consists of a combination of a series of questions, and an interview. These help to ensure that the learning programme is at an appropriate level, so that learners are able to cope with what is being asked of them, but the material is not so easy that there is no challenge for them. The assessment is reliable, as it has been used successfully previously, and is valid as the learner must answer the questions without assistance. Equality of opportunity is ensured by the questions being unbiased, i.e. there is no requirement to have knowledge of cultural specifics to enable the right answers to be obtained. Decisions will be recorded by keeping a copy of the answers provided by the learner, together with notes on the interview.
Formative assessment
Observation is a useful method of assessment, as it can be incorporated easily in a lesson, and is a good way of checking the progress of a learner. It is valid because the teacher will be familiar with what the learner needs to do to show understanding of a subject, by way of giving correct and appropriate responses during the lesson. It is reliable because the learner can only give consistently correct answers if they have sufficient understanding of the material they are being taught. Equality of opportunity can be ensured by providing sufficient resources to help those who may be visually impaired or disabled to access the lesson, and able to participate fully in the learning environment.
Discussion shares many of the above qualities, and has the benefit of being informal and immediate. Learners are able to air their views, and steps can be taken to ensure that everyone is included. Care should be taken to help those who may be less willing to speak in a group setting, to ensure that they do not miss out. In addition, the teacher should try not to allow the group to go off-topic too much in a discussion, as some learners may experience...