
Cindy Taracena
September 11, 2010
Biology 1st Period
How Do Fears Change with different pass experiences?
Cindy Taracena
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Background Information:

Feeling of being scared triggers a certain response in your nervous system, including the production of certain hormones that activate sweat glands. The sweat glands most likely to such hormones are those in the palms and armpit. Most people shake when they’re scared because of the flight of fight response engraved in our genetic codes. Humans naturally have the response to fear or danger because it prompts us to take action when there in danger. Flight or fight is triggered by an increase of adrenaline which quickens the heartbeat, alerts our sense and makes us shake. Sometimes people are scared of the dark is because they feel threatened of what can be in the darkness since not everything is clearly identified in the dark compared to daytime light. It’s just fear of what could be there what might jump out. And they’re not sure how they’ll handle the situation if something does come out and scare them. In a fight or flight situation you body does a number of things automatically so it’s ready for quick action or quick escape. Your heart rate increases to pump more blood to your muscles and the brain. Sometimes it also occurs when there seems nothing to be frightened about. When you feel scared but there is no clear reason why then that is called anxiety. Other feelings that come with this are tightness in your chest, a bellyache, dizziness, and a sense that something wrong is going to happen. When scared your brain activity can be relaxed by mediation and mindfulness which can tame the amygdale, an area of the brain which is the hub of fear of memory. Ekman discovered that experienced were less likely to be shocked, flustered, surprised or as angry as other people. Flanagan believes that if the findings of the studies can be confirmed they can be a major important. Stages of fear is at first...