Assessment involves gathering information and making judgements about pupils’ learning and as a teacher this can be done both formally and informally.
Assessment has different forms and purposes and such tests as the Key Stage SATs and GCSEs are called summative assessment and usually takes place at the end of a school year or key stage. These are assessments ‘of’ learning, and have well-established grading and reporting procedures linked to them. The results of summative testing inform not only teachers but parents, members of the senior leadership team, governors, the local authority and government. This form of assessment contributes to monitoring standards.
This assignment will be focusing more on assessment ‘for’ learning or formative assessment in the classroom and whether this together with constructive feedback has an impact on standards and levels of attainment. Formative assessment of individual children is made to ascertain the degree to which learning objectives have been met and future teaching can then be tailored to the learning needs of each child. Methods and techniques of assessment will be explored and their success will be analysed and evaluated based on my own findings and observations, practise of experienced teachers and academic discussion.
Assessment- Definitions, functions and policy.
In order to analyse the impact of assessment it is important to have a clear definition of it and it is also important to be clear about what function it has in teaching and learning. Susan Davies defines assessment as ‘the teacher making a judgement about what learning has occurred’. She also claims that all assessment should involve feedback which ‘can be oral or written but it should help a pupil to progress’[1].
There is a lot of literature and research on different methods or forms of assessment and assessment success, but what is clear is that ‘delivering a lesson is only 50% of teaching. To be most effective good teachers...