Security Research

Day To Day Problem
Jessie Lassabe
Jacob Harris

Day To Day Problem
Time management is my number one problem in my professional and personal life. When I get to work I become frustrated when I find out I have to travel over 150 miles a day in every direction. In my personal life I have to deal with time management in order to take care of my kids, do school work, and also have some relaxation time.
I work at a Medical service company and my biggest problem is time management. I love working with the people that I supply medical supplies to but I get frustrated trying to fit this many patients in an allotted amount of time when one might live an hour away from the last patient. So I end up traveling more than helping additional patients. I have over 300 hundred patients. However, I can only see up to 8 patients a day. So I have to make a strategy each day on whom to see.
In order to create this strategy I must look in my great blue book. This book shows everybody that I have to see for the month. Then I will prioritize these patients into directions north, south, east and west. Next I have to organize the directions by towns and the amount of patients in that town. The town with the most patients in that direction is usually the patients I will see that day. This way I can slowly eliminate these patients for the month. Each month I have to start over with a new list and begin again from the beginning. As I get closer to the end of the month and I start to finish my list I will then start working on fixing and cleaning the machines in my shop. This way I will always have clean working equipment to pass out to patients.
Sometimes the time management that I have scheduled will get thrown all out of whack due to emergencies. I then have to put everything on hold for that day to be able take care of the emergency. With emergencies I will also have to do normal deliveries that were scheduled that day. These deliveries will usually consist of...