Select One Model or Theory – E.G. Person Centred, Behavioural, or Pastoral and Write a Description of the Core Ideas and Application of That Theory or Model in No More Than 250 Words
Select one model or theory – e.g. person centred, behavioural, or pastoral and write a description of the core ideas and application of that theory or model in no more than 250 words.
Person-Centred Therapy was founded by Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987). It is based on the theory that in a positive environment a person will progress towards reaching their full potential. Rogers laid out a set of ‘core conditions’ which enthused the kind of therapeutic relationship in which growth could occur. The counselor must be genuine about himself/herself and give positive, unconditional regard to the client. The counselor must empathise with the client’s feelings and internal frame of reference and the client should be able to feel this empathy.
When these conditions are met, self-actualization takes place. The counselor aims to enhance the client’s awareness and understanding of his/her feelings and behavior thus affecting changes to his/her life. Anxiety is caused by blocks to the actualizing tendency and the work of the counselor is to free the client from these blockages.
Much of how we see ourselves comes from our experiences and from our relationship with others. The need for positive regard is developed at an early age. We evaluate ourselves in terms of our experiences and the regard from significant others thus establishing ‘conditions of worth’ in the self. Therefore relationships are important to one’s perception of self-concept.
An effective self-concept is essential to healthy functioning. The effective self-concept perceives experiences realistically, takes responsibility for actions and has a realistic acceptance and regard for the self. The incongruence between the orgasmic self and the self-concept creates a block in a person’s actualizing tendency resulting in low self esteem and unhealthy functioning.