Senior Issue Activity Guide

1. Article 1: “Government and the State”
- The existence of a State.
- The population is the people who made up the state with regardless of customs, a common language, or ethnic background.
- Territory is the land that existence of state live in.
- The territory has clear known and recognized boundaries.

- Every state is sovereign.
- The sovereignty is not for subordinate to any other authority.
- Sovereignty can decide its own foreign and domestic policies with supreme and absolute power; however it is neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority.

- Government makes every state politically organized.
- Every state has a government.
- Government is institution through which society makes and enforces its public policies.

Palestine has characteristic of population, sovereignty and government but they don’t have own territory for their country. There is no clear boundary between Israel and Palestine so there is a conflict between Israeli and Palestine,   even the kids are hating each other and throwing rocks each others.

2. Article 1: “Government and the state”
a) In earliest history humans were living in unbridled freedom, called “state of nature.” in which no government existed. Thus, there was no authority existed to protect themselves from the aggressive actions of others. By agreeing with one another, human beings developed “social contract theory” to overcome this unpleasant   condition people who lived in their own state area agreed to give up to the state as much power as was needed to promote the safety and well-being of all.

b) In the U.S. citizens yield the power of prosecution of, and punishment for, criminal offenses to the judicial branch of government.
The government, for its part, bears the responsibilities of police, court systems, correctional facilities, and all supporting structure.

3. Article 2: “How Governments serve the state”...