Seperation of Church and State

Wilson Horne
“More people in America believe in angels than they do in evolution”. This is the defining line in President Obama’s Call to Renewal speech. If one thing in this country hasn’t changed since the days of the founding fathers, it’s American’s belief in God and their church. But, as influential a factor as religion is, even our Constitution calls for a separation between the church’s belief and the task of maintaining our government. Although rational, and sometimes necessary, a true separation between church and state is nearly impossible.
Almost every religious congressman, senator, or other government official will nearly always incorporate his own religious morals with the demands of his profession. I agree with President Obama’s statement that children saying the pledge of allegiance do not feel oppressed or negatively influenced by saying “Under God”. I do though disagree with the idea that the greatest American reformers were led only by faith. I believe that even if Martin Luther King or George Washington weren’t as grounded in their faith as they were, they still could have made moral and rational decisions that even the most faithful Christians would make.
A never-ending argument in our country is that people disagree with the tradition of praying before athletic events or Christianity broadcasted in schools, but yet these are the people who still say “under God” when the say the pledge of allegiance, or swear on the Bible when asked to be under oath. It’s a never-ending circle with the people who try to fight for the separation of church and state. An end always leads to a new beginning, with almost no end in sight.