In the podcast Serial, Sarah Koenig’s style relies on guiding hypothesis, establishing human normality, delivering of plot, storytelling abilities and knowing her platform.
In Koenig’s determination to uncover the truth, she pursues hypothesis after hypothesis-some eventually proved false, some leading down contrasting paths, and some appear to have validity. These hypotheses take a lead role in making up the framework of Koenig’s investigation. She questions Adnan’s character through his old friends and family in order to find the reality behind the man she wants to believe didn’t commit this crime. She allows the listeners to theorize and ponder if Adnan’s nature is a “well spoken” boy who “seems too nice to have done this,” or if he amounts to “a charming psychopath” with enough motives to commit murder. Koenig’s style allows the audience to join in on the process of investigation and leaves them eager to know the truth. Feeling the suspension and uncertainty from this approach, the audience clings to their seats week after week.
Koenig puts humans at the center of her investigation which reveals the truth behind their words. To start of Serial, Koenig questions a group of normal people completely unrelated to the case. This technique delivers a relatable component to the listeners abroad. She interviews her nephew asking “if [he] could remember what he did the previous day”. This style builds a universal understanding that not everyone can recall memories, even those related to murder, are illusory. Putting herself in the middle of Adnan’s complex case, Koenig depicts herself as a normal bystander. Despite the complicated evidence and insights, Koenig acts as a mediator bringing it all together. Her approach includes character development to allow listeners the ability to empathize with all characters involved on the case. Koenig guides listeners to view the case in the shoes...