Sexism in the Workplace

In the introduction we briefly touched upon the sex discrimination 1975.   The sex discrimination act came into force in 1975.   It was introduced to protect all workers from being discriminated against by their employer.   The act states you can’t be discriminated because

* of your sex
* you are married or a civil partner
* you   have gone through, are going through or intend to go through gender reassignment

The sex discrimination act 1975 came into force 35 years ago.   Unfortunately, there is still discrimination in the work force today.   38% of women have suffered sex discrimination in the workplace and 10% of men.   I’ve looked into the effect of discrimination on the behaviour, experiences and life chances of women in the work place and in   particular working mothers.

In British culture it’s been seen as the man’s role to go out and work, to be the breadwinner and bring home the money.   The women’s role has been to stay at home looking after the kids.   Since 1975 the British culture has changed.   55% of women with children under 5 now go out to work compared with 35% in 1975.   Of the 13 million women who have jobs about 44% wok part time compared to only 10% of working men.   So as you can see from these statistics although things have changed since 1975 it is still very much so that men are the main breadwinners

It’s correct to say that on average men earn more than women the good news is that the pay gap between men and women has fallen from 12.6% to 12.2% from 2008 to 2009 for full time employees.   In April 209 the average hourly rate for men working full time was £12.97 whilst for women it was £11.39 an hour.   However the majority of women with children work part time and women working part time earn just 60% of the average hourly rate of a man working full time.

Since 1975 it has become more acceptable for women to work if they have children.   It has become “the norm”.   However, I feel it must be a hard job being a working mother.   Generally,...