Sexuality in Fifth Century Athens
Brian Arkins
In recent decades and particularly in the last ten years,
much valuable work has been done on the theme of sexuality
in the world of Greece and Rome. In a post-Freudian era this
is presumably to be expected, but we should not forget that,
until quite recently, it was virtually impossible to discuss
sexual issues in an open and non-judgmental way; it is
sufficient to point to the bowdlerisation of Aristophanes, and
to Fordyce's scandalous edition of Catullus, which omitted 32
poems on the spurious grounds that 'they do not lend
themselves to comment in English'.
Now, happily, a saner climate of opinion prevails, in
which the present essay on sexuality in fifth century Athens is
not exceptional. Such essays as this have been greatly
facilitated by the appearance of a number of books on ancient
sexuality and, in particular, by the appearance of David
Halperin's great book One Hundred Years of Homosexuality
and Other Essays on Greek Love (London 1990).(1) What
follows here is considerably indebted to Halperin.
There is now a very considerable body of evidence to
suggest that human sexual behaviour is, to a great extent,
socially constructed. That is to say that the way women and
men conduct their sexual lives is determined to a marked
degree by what a particular society finds acceptable. Before
we come to Athens in the fifth century BC, it is instructive to
consider the case of Ireland in the 19th and 20th centuries.
From 1820 on sexual behaviour in Ireland was
constructed out of the economics of the small farm(2) and had
little to do with the doctrines of Roman Catholicism, and still
less to do with those of Jesus Christ. This highly puritanical
organisation of sexuality obtained, without interruption, until
1960 and caused a great deal of suffering to many women and
men. The Roman Catholic Church has never seen fit...