Shc 51

Unit SHC 51

1) Review and explain the range of groups and individuals whose communication must be
addressed within your job role.

Within the role of Deputy Homes Manager I would be expected to liaise with a significant
amount of individuals from a multitude of groups.

Individuals within the company in which I work-

• Managing director
• Area manager
• Other managers of services within the company
• My Line manager
• Senior staff
• Residential staff
• Pay-role staff and the departments within the main head office for the company

Health Professional

• Clinical psychologist
• Consultant psychiatrist
• Local GP, Opticians, Orthodontist
• Hospital staff
• Community Nurse
• Advocates
• CAMHS team
• Dietician
• Speech and language therapists

Individuals associated with the care and well-being of the clients accommodated within the

• The young adults themselves
• Family members
• Friends and acquaintances
• Social workers
• Solicitors
• Court of Protection representatives
• Police
• Care quality commission (CQC)
• Local Safeguarding team
• Further education staff
• Voluntary work employees

2) Explain how you can support effective communication within your job role

There are a number of ways in which effective communication can be supported within my
current job role, this can be supported by

• Monitoring and reviewing the current measures in place to ensure that
communication remains effective

• Promoting transparent relationships with outside agencies and building links with
external bodies

• Sourcing and providing necessary training for employees to assist effective communication.

• Promoting an open door policy to encourage employees to feel confident and
competent in approaching management to discuss any concerns, issues or problems.

• Being approachable and competent within my role, which will offer reassurance, and
promote communication

• Ensuring that regular supervisions/appraisals...