Shc 51

Unit: SHC 51 Use and develop systems that promote communication

My job role involves me communicating with numerous groups such as staff members, residents, visitors, relatives, professionals, outside agencies such as social workers, placement team, finance team, safeguarding, CQC, district nurses, hospital staff, local pharmacy, local surgery, the company directors, the payroll clerk.

I support effective communication with various methods within my job role. Given the large variety of groups that I work with, it is very important to be professional, clear and concise if I am representing the care home. It is important to communicate well, be polite and build a positive relationship with others. It is also important to listen others and use feedback.

Sometimes it can be difficult to reach and engage all parties involved, to gain feedback and suggestions.

It is important use a variety of means of communication to see which is most effective in different circumstances. I put up notices of planned staff and resident meetings and print the minutes of each meeting for those who cannot make it. I use the quality assurance questionnaires to gain feedback from staff members, residents and relatives who don’t often speak up and wish to remain anonymous.  

I use a variety of means of communication such as talks, letters, invoices, email, notices, questionnaires, graphs, newsletter in the Haleigh magazine, updates to the website and facebook page, resident and staff meetings and minutes, supervision with domestic staff.

To be effective communication systems and practises must facilitate the flow of information throughout the home, focus on service user requirements, efficiency, high productivity and a good working environment.

The examples of existing communication systems and practises in the care home are the communication book, handover notes, daily record notes, appointment diary, enquiry folder, complaints...