Six Day War

December 10, 2007

On June 5, 1967 Israel launched a preemptive strike against its enemies, initiating what became known as the Six-Day War. The years leading up to war were marked by tensions that arose within Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. These tensions underlay the causes of war can be demarcated through a careful analysis of Waltz’s three images: individual, state, and international actors. Each image played a significant role in the instigation of the Six Day War. Waltz’s thirds image motivated Israel to got to war. However it was the first two images, leadership and domestic issues that laid the material groundwork for a war, and precipitated the war among the Arab nations.

Waltz’s second image, on the domestic problems within states, played a crucial role in the involvement of Egypt, Syria and Jordan in the formation of the Six Day war. In the aftermath of the Israeli War of Independence, thousands of Palestinians fled their homes and flooded into the surrounding Arab nations in search of asylum. The large population of These Palestinians became economic and political liabilities, and their presence proved to be the source of constant conflict towards their host nations. In an effort to free themselves from economic hardship the Palestinian refugees put pressure on their governments to destroy the state of Israel and reestablish a Palestinian state.

In the years preceding the Six Day war Egypt was, “plagued by economic difficulties”   at home. When Nasser first became president in 1952 he launched a program for the economic development of the Egypt. The program met with initial success and the years from 1959 up until 1965 were marked by economic improvement. During those years Egypt experienced a growth in GDP investment by 5.3%, and there was a redistribution of wealth in favor of the lower classes. Yet Egypt prosperity was short lived, and it underwent an economic decline in 1966 and 1967, immediately preceding the Six Day War....