


Sharifa Khatun

The role of a teacher within a classroom has changed over the years. The traditional image of the teacher standing in front of the class, blurting information to their students expecting learning to be taking place has been slowly pushed away.   Teachers are becoming learners themselves, developing changing and improving their techniques and methodologies. Focus is now how best a teacher can facilitate a student to learn. Lessons are more student centred and teachers must motivate students to want to learn and design tasks maximises a students’ potential.

Teaching languages used to concentrate on grammar, reading and writing where language was practiced orally through drilling and repetition. However, the way we learn through practice and experiences using our productive and receptive skills are now the key elements to a lesson. According to Scrivener 1 he explained that:

“Nowadays most interest is now expressed in a balanced spread of work on all language systems and attention is also given to skills work in its own right, particularly emphasising listening and speaking….”

In order to learn, communicate and develop as human beings we use our productive (speaking and writing) and receptive (listening and reading) skills. Although reading is a receptive skill, in that you cannot see learning or understanding taking place, it should not be underestimated. As a fluent English reader we are able to automatically and effortlessly process the information in a text. However in the case of a person learning to read English for the first time they face many hurdles. Recognising the Roman alphabet, the fact that English is read from left to right, the punctuation marks, capital letters, spelling, new vocabulary are to name a few. There are four skills that are important in reading development:
  1. Phonological processing: Understanding the sounds of the letters, joining sounds to produce words and the...