Sleep 1
Sleep Deprivation and its Effects
Sleep 2
The definition of sleep deprivation is a chronic lack of sufficient restorative sleep
(Glossary of Terms, n.d.). To put it in simple terms, sleep deprivation is a sleep debt. The
more sleep lost each night the larger the debt will become. I live with sleep deprivation in
my every day life. I know the effects firsthand.
To overcome the obstacle of sleep deprivation I must research it, understand
it, and evaluate possible solutions. I need to understand the short and long-term
consequences of sleep deprivation, the reasons my body needs sleep, and the methods
used to help those who have been through sleep deprivation before me.
Once the consequences of sleep deprivation are known the reasons why we need
to sleep will also be known. When someone lives with a sleep debt it raises the risk for
depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. A sleep debt can also impair
alertness. This increases the risk for errors, impaired concentration, and slower reaction
time. It can affect relationships when the sleep debt causes impatience, crankiness, and
irritability. Sleep deprivation has been known to cause workplace accidents and traffic
accidents (Sleep Deprivation, 2002-2010).
According to Harvard Health Publications 2007, there are six main reasons the
body needs the proper amount of sleep. Sleep aids in the commitment of new information
to the memory part of the brain. It is a process called memory consolidation. The correct
amount of sleep helps maintain correct metabolism and body weight. Sleep deprivation
has been known to cause weight gain. It alters metabolic functions, by releasing excess
cortisol, while reducing levels of leptin. Cortisol is a stress...