Market reports on India presents the latest report on “Smokeless Tobacco in India to 2015” This report provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Indian market.
29th March 2016, – Navi Mumbai, India: Market reports on India presents the latest report on “Smokeless Tobacco in India to 2015”. This report provide the wide variety of ways in which this type of tobacco is used, and its artisanal production base.
There is a large market for smokeless tobacco products in India due to the country’s large population, the wide variety of ways in which this type of tobacco is used, and its artisanal production base. Recent actions by Central and State authorities on smoking appear to limit the availability of smokeless tobacco, with volumes falling annually since 2012. The figures for 2014 show a reduced market of around 165,000 tons.
Key Findings
• Taking into consideration the whole Tobacco market, smokeless dominates, accounting for more than 40% of total tobacco consumption, followed by bidis (40%), and cigarettes (less than 20%).
• Total sales of smokeless tobacco are believed to have fluctuated in recent years, reflecting changes in tobacco output. Figures dropped to 220,000 tons in 2012, less than 200,000 tons in 2013, and 160,000 tons in 2014.
• Analysis of chewing tobacco exports by country of destination, released by the Indian Tobacco Board, highlights the importance of the UAE, with almost 38% of volumes in 2013
• Volumes in 2024 are forecast at higher than 86,00 tonnes, almost 48% down on 2014 levels. Per capita consumption in 2024 is expected to be 62g per person, 53% down on 2014
“Smokeless Tobacco in India”, is an analytical report by that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Indian market.