Prejudice and Discrimination Article
Prejudice and Discrimination
Axia College
Prejudice and Discrimination
While my time in Indonesia was both interesting and an eye opener for the way of life for
many who live there, it was very educational on the large amount of discrimination towards the
Chinese that lives in this country.
The ethnic Chinese that live in Indonesia have been discriminated against for several decades.
They have been ridiculed over their beliefs and their way of life. The government sees the
Chinese as a financial commodity to the way of life for the Indonesian people. The Chinese are
not looked upon as part of the Indonesian people, and the government has let this, and also
practices these themselves. The government has been reported to put the ethnic Chinese down in
many ways and at many times over the years. The ethnic Chinese have been told by their own
government that they are not aloud to practice their religious beliefs and they have also been told
by the government that they are not aloud to display anything that has to do with their culture and
way of life in sight of the people of Indonesia. The ethnic Chinese can not even celebrate the
Chinese New Year.
The Chinese have left Indonesia in large numbers since the 1940,s because of the fact of the
discrimination against them by the Indonesian people and the Indonesian government. The
Chinese have been threatened, beaten, raped, robbed, and have even been burned alive as well
as their properties being burned to the ground. That would included their homes and, if they were
business owners, their businesses. The government and the Indonesian military has even extorted
money from the ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, but that did not keep the ethnic Chinese from the
abuse and the discrimination from the military or the other people of Indonesia.
The Chinese are not the only group that has...