Social Issues and Ethical Responsibility Simulation
Social Issues and Ethical Responsibility Simulation
I will evaluate two simulations which are the Case of Fair Warning and the Case of
Stringent Standards. In these two cases, the stakeholders include the various staffs of G-
Biosport such as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), operations director, quality control
manager, director of public relations, shareholders of the company, and the consumers of the
company. These are the individual who are forthrightly influenced by any assessments or
modifications made in the company.
I made the decisions to inform the different stakeholders in relation to increase risk they
may encounter. It is well accomplish through the spread of information through a lot of sources
as posting an information sheet at bulletins, company’s website, and speaking with media or
press, one more thing if possible make a hotline set up to talk with customer better. Only with
enough awareness on the problems and issues with the company’s products can customers
make informed decisions and take the right actions on right time. There are choices that the
company can implement to resolve the problem. The first solution will be recall all the tainted
product and refund customer’s money. It can be both utilitarian ethics and deontological
ethics. From the utilitarian view, company will be to collect back all the bad goods and replace
them with good one. To warning consumers will be a great part of the society to benefit as
such it is a moral and right action. From the point of view of deontologist, it is ethical to
inform the customers about the risks which they are exposed to. By being accountable to the
consumers, then consumers will also be more convinced and dedicated to the company because
of the morals and virtues which the company upholds.
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