The most important part of our society are the social lives within it. When changes occur we see differences and inequalities being made. I will make comparisons between City Road, Cardiff and the High Street. You will see how inequalities can be similar in these very different locations.
We will learn how many factors affect what differences and inequalities are present at any given time in any given society, people, money, gender, age are to name but a few.
In Errol, once an industrial village, only a handful of businesses survive. In the past one hundred to one hundred and fifty years, there has been a steady pattern of change to society. There was a High Street full of shops which have almost all closed down. Businesses like the sawmill, coffin factory and brickworks have all gone. Now there are two grocers, a butcher, post office and hairdresser. With the loss of jobs in the village-many people owned or worked in the shops, banks, hotels-the village lacked sufficient money to live at a standard considered normal for that time.
Here, inequalities began with the closure of many of the village businesses. Villagers had to find work outwith the village. This made differences in the social structure. Rural tracks became roads, allowing cars and buses to commute out of the village, giving people the opportunity to leave the village for work. People were earning more and the economy picked up and with it society did too. Differences evolve here through earnings, employment and belongings.
On these streets, the differences created in the past can now be historically or socially different, but socially accepted. On Errol High Street, a building that was once a library one hundred and fifty years ago was been converted into flats around eighty years ago. Changes were made when landlords needed money from their properties, when industries were faltering around the area. The flats were priced at the higher end of the market, preventing any of the local farm...