Socrates Idea to the Recollection of Knowledge
Malenna Palmer
December 20, 2015
University of Phoenix
Socrates Idea to the Recollection of Knowledge
* Socrates mind is always working on something, and on this given day he and Meno are discussing recollection and how he sole is immortal that is reborn over and over again in a sense reincarnation or rebirth as a new person with all the knowledge that the pervious person had gained and that everybody know everything!
* “Those who tell it are priests and priestesses of the sort who make it their business to be able to account for the functions which they perform. Pindar speaks of it too, and many another of the poets who are divinely inspired. What they say is this—see whether you think they are speaking the truth. They say that the soul of man is immortal: at one time it comes to an end—that which is called death—and at another is born again, but is never finally exterminated Thus the soul, since it is immortal and has been born many times, and has seen all things both here and in the other world, has learned everything that is. So we need not be surprised if it can recall the knowledge of virtue or anything else which, as we see, it once possessed. All nature is akin, and the soul has learned everything, so that when a man has recalled a single piece of knowledge—learned it, in ordinary language—there is no reason why he should not find out all the rest, if he keeps a stout heart and does not grow weary of the search; for seeking and learning are in fact nothing but recollection.” Moore, B. N., & Bruder, K. (2014) selection 3.3
* Pg. 54 Para 10-11
* Socrates’ ideas on how we “come to know” is based on his theory that everything we know is recollection and that without perplexing a person they will never have the wiliness to look or desire to learn. Yet by challenging the slave or any person would cause them to become aware of their ignorance causing them to...