1: Introduction:
* Structure and content/part
* Task division
* Learning outcome
2: Body (2): Compare writers
* Writers;
* Background
* Age
* Stature and credibility
* Conclusion writers
* How do age, background and nationality of writers influence language and meaning?
* What are the consequences of this influence?
3: Conclusion:
* Effects Noor, Martijn, Joos and Nadine on language and meaning
* Compare gravity of different aspects’ effect
[Slide 1.] Sociologists make a distinction between gender and sex. Gender is the perceived component of human sexuality while sex is the biological or genetic component.
Why do we differentiate between gender and sex? Differentiating gender from sex allows social scientists to study influences on sexuality without confusing the social and psychological aspects with the biological and genetic aspects.
Gender is the socially constructed component of human sexuality. Gender is an inner feeling that you are male, female, both, neither. Perhaps the best way to understand gender is to understand it as a process of social presentation. Because gender roles are outlined by behavioural expectations and norms, once individuals know those expectations and norms, those individuals can adopt behaviours that project the gender he/she wishes to portray.
[Slide 2.] We are about to present to you a comparison of two articles with the common theme of advertisements. We will compare two articles about this subject made by two authors with different nationalities.
Article #1: “A healthier dose of realism” by Nicola Clark (UK).
Article #2: “Thin is too in” by Robert Gustafson, Mark Popovich and Steven Thomsen (USA).
[Slide 3.] We want to convince you of our ability to demonstrate an awareness of how, in both articles, language and meaning are shaped by culture and context.