España, el país donde más creció la desigualdad durante la crisis, según Oxfam
Data dela Intermon Oxfam on poverty and risk of social exclusion in Spain is alarming, according to the report "An economy at the service of 1%" . They are also outrageous, given that "in 2015 1% of the population concentrated much wealth as 80% of the poorest. The fortune of only twenty people in Spain totals 115,100 million euros", equivalent to all wealth accumulates 30% of the poorest Spanish.Spain is the second country in the European Union in the fastest growing gap between rich and poor, only behind Estonia, and delas main reasons is that between 2007 and 2014 the average Spanish salary plummeted 22%.
Inequality progress in our country a pace that exceeds up to 14 times to Greece, occupied the second place in the EU and beyond us only Cyprus, a country which had to be completely recovered to go bankrupt. To all this must be added that according to an OECD report poorer households have been the hardest hit during the crisis and the salary of the richest is 18 times higher than the poorest. At the close of 2014 there were in Spain 13.4 million people at risk of social exclusion, which amounts to almost 30% of the population (29.2%).
The Oxfam report argues that the tax reform approved by the PP is "a tool to ensure privileges to a few”, since only employees bear a high tax burden, it has not been achieved to 17 delas IBEX 35 companies do not pay corporate income tax here while in 2015 the investment in tax havens grew by 2000%. Given this, the NGO calls on the next Spanish government to launch a law against tax evasion more effective measures to combat the opacity and impunity of the major tax evaders. It also calls for the minimum wage is increased to one thousand euros to reduce the wage gap.
As for the data on global inequality, show that continues to increase. The 62 richest people are the same as 3,500 million inhabitants of the planet. The wealth of the 62 super...