Complete the evidence underneath each of the following evidence asked for on this word document (do not do them as separate pieces of evidence)
TDA 3.5 LO 5 AC 5.1, 5.2 Sharing information and comply with confidentiality
For the following give an example of your own practice where you have done each of the occurrences/activities asked for below in reporting and recording information
Demonstrate how to report and record information informally and formally in the appropriate way for the audience concerned (e.g. for parents/head teacher/other staff/other professionals)
* Show where you have applied the settings policy and procedures for sharing information
* Show where you have applied the settings policy and procedures for confidentiality
* Show where you have applied the settings policy and procedures for data protection
Reflect on your own practice in doing this effectively, what went well, what went not so well and what you might do differently in future
TDA 3.5 LO 2 AC 2.1,2.2 SHC 32 LO2 AC 2.2 Adapting communication with a child/ YP
Give examples from your practice where you have done the following
* Where you have adapted your communication for the age/ stage of development of the child/YP (e.g. when communicating with a younger older child)
* Where you have adapted your communication according to the context (e.g. when communicating with a child/YP in class how this is different when communicating with them on the playground or in a social situation)
* Where you have adapted your communication for a child with communication differences e.g. a child has English as an additional language or they have need for nonverbal communication signs and symbols, Makaton, BSL etc. (if you have no experience of this you may explain how you would do so instead as a case study)
Reflect on your own practice in doing this effectively, what went well, what went not so well and what you might do differently in future...