
" .. ,Justice is the most serious and important game of all, and the best side will have a better chance of winning if the rules are precise and fair and obeyed. But what matters most above all is that the result must never be a foregone conclusion ... "
Compose and present a 6 to 8 minute speech in which you examine how Robertson reached this view on his idea of "the justice game" and how conflicting perspectives are presented. In you answer you must refer to one case, the Afterward, and to one related text that you have collected in relation to this elective.
Consider this scenario
It is said that there are two sides of every story.
Robertson rectifies that there are conflicting perspectives; there are two sides to every argument. In order to win we need to play "the most serious and important game of all" but only the "best side will have a better chance of winning", and I assure you, it is not necessarily the good guys.
Composers construct their own representation in accordance with their agenda and ideology and manipulate their responders to accept their 'conflicting perspectives' by the deliberate selection and emphasis of language and imagery. Geoffrey Robertson's The Justice Game and the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 directed by Michael Moore uses various techniques to achieve their representation of the media as manipulative and self-serving, of the processes through which representations become accepted as "truths" and of the various influences and power figures in the delivery of "truth."
Robertson's "Diana in the Dock: Does Privacy matter?" examines conflicting perspectives in relation to justice, about the law and privacy and the media. However, in presenting so his arguments are profoundly one sided as he skews his argument with language techniques to convince responders to perceive a particular end of the standpoint. Photographs exposed of "her exercising on a contraption called a legpress" to the media by her gym manager "caused such a...