Stages of Child Development - Handout
|Age Range |Emotional |Physical |Cognitive (Intellectual) |Language |
|0-9mths |Significant emotional attachment to parents |Many hours sleep a day |Simple responses e.g. to sound, smell, movement, |Aware of other sounds and responds to familiar |
| |(usually mother) |Simple body movements (waves arms/kicks legs) |objects, bright colours and light. |voices |
| |Emotional extremes (fear, anger, joy) |Begins to sit, roll over, crawl, pull up and |Uses mouth to explore objects |Responds to smiles and turns head to face sounds |
| |Requires routine, familiarity, comfort and |independently from @ 6mths |Recognises parents and responds to their voices |Makes noises other than crying for attention e.g.|
| |security |Able to grasp object placed in hand and then to |then individual faces and familiar people |gurgling, babbling |
| |Begins to Shows likes and dislikes (e.g. toys & |reach as hand eye coordination develops |Egocentric (self-centred)~ sees world in relation|At @ 7mths may utter two syllable ‘words’ e.g. |
| |food) |Tries to lift head and can roll from side to back|to self only |daada’, ‘maama’ |
| | |then able to control head to follow |Later enjoys reveal games such as peep-bo. Stores|Begins to...