Statistical Use

Statistics in the Adult Medical Daycare Setting
At first glance a small medical daycare setting would seem the last place one would find statistics in use. Patients arrive at the center transported by buses from their homes; spend the day in the facility and are provided with services including nursing and personal care; medication management; social services; rehabilitation services; recreational and social activities; meals and transportation. However, underlying the superficial appearance of a babysitting operation lies a health care facility, at which statistics plays an integral part in the everyday operations.
Participants are admitted to medical daycare because of some medical condition that limits their functioning. Upon admission a health care professional from each discipline performs an assessment on the participant to establish a baseline from which to create an individual plan of care. The care plan specifies six-month goals and daily interventions that are carried out in accordance with the plan of care. Each health care professional performs an evaluation of goals that occurs at three-month intervals. Past and present statistics are compared to identify changes in condition, and to ascertain their progress toward the set goals, and changes made to the care plan as necessary.
Outside the patient care arena statistics become important when billing for services rendered. The majority of patients who attend the facility are funded by the Medicaid program. Medicaid filters patients into the adult daycare system, which is a cost-effective alternative to nursing homes (Day, 2011). Whereas Medicaid recognizes the need for the services provided by the day centers it maintains very strict guidelines for reimbursement on services. Justification for participant’s attendance at the center must be accompanied by statistical data.
The nurse submits the treatment authorization requests to the state Medicaid office. These requests contain all forms of...