
If you want to hate New York Yankees first baseman Alex Rodriguez for being a jerk, fine. He is. If you want to hate Rodriguez for being too rich, well, evidence certainly points to that being a strong possibility. But if you want to hate him for taking illegal performance-enhancing drugs as per the allegations, you had better be prepared to hate a ton of pro athletes. Performance-enhancing drugs, steroids and human growth hormone in particular, are prevalent in any sport that requires more than ordinary size and strength. Such drugs are certainly popular in professional sports.   Since athletes are in the public eye, their actions can affect the children and adults for whom they serve as role models. Therefore, athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs should abide by healthcare professionals opinions while using legal PED’s.
Steroids are quite common to hear about in sports. The majority of athletes have either taken steroids, been around people who have used them, or know someone who has used them.   Before going into the pros and cons of legalization of performance enhancing drugs, the background should be explored.   According to The Medical Dictionary, performance enhancing drugs are “an agent–eg, amphetamines, androstendione, erythropoietin, HGH, testosterone, known or thought to improve performance in a particular activity.”   They are legally available but only in special cases from doctors.   When a man’s testosterone level is lower than normal, a doctor may write a script for an athlete.   Doctors can also prescribe them to people with problems of muscle loss. However, the dangers are out there with these drugs.   Drug abuse is a serious issue with these athletes who take these drugs.   It can lead to serious injury or even death. Athletes have given numerous reasons as to why they take performance enhancing drugs.   Doctors, athletes, and other medical personnel have all said steroids can be helpful.   According to Rejeski, Kaplan and Manuck, steroids can...