The Steward Senbi
The Steward Senbi statue was obtained from the pit tomb in the necropolis at Meir in Middle Egypt. Meir was developed for the monarchs and high officials of the 14th upper Egyptian Nome (James 89). The statue is made of wood with copper inlays. The body of the figure was carved from one piece of wood, with the arms and front parts of the feet attached separately. The portrait represents the youth and wealthy status of the Senbi. Senbi, the son of Ukhhotep, was a member of a dynasty of nobles in the Middle Egypt during the Twelfth Dynasty. During the reign of Amenemhet I of Dynasty XII Senbi held the hereditary position of Nomarch and ‘Overseer of Priests’ (Bayfield). Nomarchs were influential not only locally but nationally too (James 89).
The subject is standing in a wooden cube and represents the classic pose of a man in the Early Dynasty 12. The wooden cube has some writings on it. Made of costly imported wood, it was left unpainted to reveal the grain. The only additions of color are the painted and inlaid eyes and nipples and the long white kilt. The white color of the kilt and the orange/brownish color of the body give natural appearance to the statue. Some dark cuts can be clearly seen in his head and body. There is a crack to the left side of the nipple and toward the head. The body is made from one piece of wood but the arms and half of the feet were made separately and attached to the main body. The quality of the work indicates that the artist took a lot of time to carefully carve the statue. The smoothness and precision of the various parts of the body structures made it possible by using sharp tools and polishing the statue.
The face, upper and lower body was smoothly carved from the wood. The wood grains are visible. The shape of his forehead and face is comparatively small and round. His eyebrows are thin and light but the color is faded. He has straight, thick lashes...